Announcement: Belinda & Amie Lyone Take on Co-CEO Role of COS

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I am proud to advise that following an extensive apprenticeship, My daughters Belinda and Amie have both agreed to step up and take COS forward to its next stage as CO-CEO effective as of the 1st September 2021.

As CO-CEO, Belinda and Amie will have full responsibility for the future direction of the business as well as all day-to-day operations. This is an exciting new chapter in the success story of COS; The Aussie Company founded 40+ years ago by an immigrant, has now been handed down to the next generation and is led by two strong modern women.

The CO-CEO role presents a combined 32 years experience in the Australian Office Products Industry with Belinda focusing on the strategy, sourcing and sales and Amie focusing on the team, service levels and logistics. This complimentary skill set combined with the synergy between them derived from a strong sisterhood bond, will undoubtedly achieve results beyond the ordinary (1+1=3).

I am grateful to have two daughters who are passionate about COS, who have an imbedded desire to continue what I started and a deep determination to succeed going forward. They have both have a strong vision to continue the path of growth by consistently adding value to our customers.

As for me, I am not hanging the boots just yet. There is still much to do. I will be stepping up to the new position of Chairman. I intend to focus my energy on my core passions; Strategic Acquisitions, Market Research, The Lyone Foundation, mentoring up and coming CEOs, and teaching the Money & You Program and the Excellarated Business School For Entrepreneurs, that should keep me busy.

The long-term stability of our Executive Team has been key to our success. The transition to the next generation ensures this continues given Belinda and Amie have been at the core of this team for the past fifteen years.

As private owners we are committed to the Australian market and to continue on our path as a long term sustainable operator.

On behalf of the three of us, thank you for your support and for being a part of this great Australian success story.

For more information, contact:


Dominique Lyone
Founder & CEO, COS
Ph: 02 8832 6338

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