Some of the supplies needed for a primary school classroom

20 Essential Supplies for a Primary School Classroom 

Setting up a well-equipped primary school classroom is crucial for creating a productive and engaging learning environment.
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From fostering creativity to promoting organisation, the right equipment can make a significant difference in the educational experience of young learners. From versatile tools for hands-on activities to resources that enhance collaboration and communication, these items are essential for a well-rounded and effective learning space.

Writing Utensils

Even though primary school children are expected to bring their own pens and pencils to class, there will always be one who forgets to bring something that they need. That but one of the reasons that all teachers should have an ample stash of pens and pencils at hand. Of course, teachers also need a supply of pencils, ballpoint pens and  felt tipped pens of various colours for marking homework, making comments, taking notes or just snapping in frustration! 

Electric Pencil Sharpener

Sharpening pencils can and will make a surprising mess in a classroom, especially if kids are sharpening pencils at their desks. A good, durable and quiet electric pencil sharpener can meet all the pencil sharpening needs of a classroom and can eliminate the need to sweep up pencil shavings from under desks at the end of each day, 


No teacher supply stash would be complete without multiple different kinds of paper. Printer paper (or even coloured printer paper) for handouts and worksheets, art paper, kraft paper for wrapping, chart paper and tables for collaborative science and math work, lined paper for quizzes and handwriting practice, and more. Any type of paper you can find, a teacher can find a use for it. 


Given all the different kinds of paper a primary school teacher needs, is it any wonder that a way of keeping sheets of paper together is a schoolroom essential? A good stapler is a must for keeping papers together, no matter if they’re exam workbooks, essays or creative writing pieces. If you’re worried about children possibly passing on illness or infections to others, you could opt for an antibacterial, Germ-Savvy stapler that can kill 99% of bacterial and viral pathogens on its surface.

If the children in the class need to staple anything, an electric stapler may be just the thing. An electric stapler is safe for little fingers and can ensure that all the pages are straight and aligned. Of course, nothing is foolproof, so a staple remover should also be in every classroom. 


A collection of paper fasteners, including coloured paperclips, giant paperclips, foldback clips and letter clips may not sound exciting but will always prove handy. Need to collate homework assignments? Paperclips can help. Need to hand something from a hook or magnet? Foldback or letter clips are there for you. Different sizes or colours of clip can help teachers quickly identify groups of paper or could be the missing link in a student’s art, craft or science project. 

Hole Punch

If you need to add sheets of paper to a ring binder, there is only one tool for the job. Depending on the type of ring binder, a two-hole punch or four-hole punch may be necessary. As lots of little hand may be touching a classroom hole punch, you may want to opt for a Germ-Savvy hole punch that kills bacterial and viral pathogens on contact. As a bonus, the little paper rounds that are punched out make great confetti.  


Students and teachers may need different types of scissors. Primary school students should likely be using some form of safety scissors – younger children may require small safety scissors, whereas older students may need larger and more rugged scissors. Teachers, on the other hand can probably be trusted to use scissors safely. A good pair of scissors cuts better and will last longer than a cheap pair. 

Rubber Bands

Not only are rubber bands good for holding a group of objects together, they are also an essential piece of primary school equipment. Rubber bands provide a versatile tool for hands-on learning activities, such as creating makeshift catapults for physics experiments or building simple machines. They also encourage creativity and problem-solving skills as students use rubber bands to construct structures, create artwork, or bind materials together.

You can also be environmentally conscious by choosing sustainable, natural rubber, plastic-free rubber bands for the classroom.   


Teachers aren’t always sitting at a desk or standing in front of a whiteboard. This is why a clipboard is an invaluable tool for teachers. Clipboards enable easy mobility around the classroom, allowing teachers to monitor and assist students wherever they are working, and provide a convenient surface for holding and organising lesson plans, attendance sheets, and other important documents.

Clipboards also serve as a practical tool for conducting assessments and keeping track of student progress during classroom activities or outdoor lessons. 

Index Cards

Index cards can be used in a primary school classroom for various purposes, such as creating study aids or organising information. Students can write key concepts or vocabulary words on index cards to review and practice independently or in groups. Index cards can also be used by teachers to create interactive learning games or as a tool for individual or small-group assessments. 

Sticky Notes

Both teachers and students can find many practical uses for sticky notes in the classroom. They can be used as a tool for brainstorming, allowing students can jot down ideas and stick them on a designated surface for collaboration and discussion. Sticky notes can also be used as a visual organiser, helping students to categorize and rearrange information during lessons or projects. 

Teachers can utilise sticky notes for quick reminders, providing individualized feedback, or creating interactive activities. 

Craft Supplies

Depending on the age of the class, the type of craft supplies may differ. Younger students may need a selection of crayons, coloured pencils, construction paper and glue sticks. Older students may need lollypop sticks, markers, various types of paper and cardboard, wood and paper glue, tape, beads and paint. 

Clock and Timer

Most classrooms will have an analogue clock hanging on a wall, but teachers could benefit from having a second, digital clock/timer on their desk. Knowing the time at a quick glance is invaluable for taking notes about student behaviour or classroom events, as well as Letting teachers know when to change to the next subject or lesson.

A clock with a timer or a stopwatch helps add immediacy to quizzes and games, giving students a time limit in which to answer, and can be used to accurately measure the amount of time students take to perform set tasks. 

Individual Whiteboards

If students, especially those in lower grades, need to practice repetitive tasks like cursive practice or times tables, there is nothing better than an individual whiteboard. These small boards are easily portable and allow students to do their practice without wasting reams of paper. Individual whiteboards that are lined on one side and blank on the other are perfect for the classroom as the lined side can be used for writing practice and the other side for drawing, taking notes and the like. 

Dry Erase Markers and Whiteboard Erasers

If the classroom has an extensive collection of individual whiteboards, it also needs an equally extensive collection of dry erase markers and erasers is required. Keeping a supply of dry erase markers on hand ensures that all students have the same markers and guarantees that nobody is using a permanent marker they brought from home.

Likewise, keeping a collection of whiteboard erasers and cleaners ensures that kids can quickly clean their boards and don’t use their sleeves or hands creating a mess or tough stains for mum and dad. 


Many teachers will have access to a computer and all the software they could use for taking attendance, grading and the like, but a computer can’t replace the convenience of a notebook for taking notes on performance and behaviour, noting times and dates and jotting down ideas for lessons.  


A personal laminator can be a game changer in a classroom. It can be used to protect and preserve important documents, like classroom rules, schedules, or reference guides, making them durable and long-lasting. Laminating educational materials like flashcards, charts, or visual aids enhances makes them reusable for future lessons and classes. You could even make name tags, or special reward badges, giving students a personalised and durable identifier or reward. 

Storage Containers

Without enough storage, a primary school classroom can quickly become a cluttered mess. Teachers need ample storage containers for everything, including large containers to hold bulky items, document trays for homework and marking, book and magazine boxes, craft caddies for craft supplies, pencil and pen holders and more. 

Everything in the classroom needs a place to live when not in use, and that requires storage containers. Lots and lots of storage containers.

Hand Sanitiser

Even though the Coronavirus pandemic has been managed, the threat of COVID hasn’t gone away, nor have the other viruses that took something of a backseat during the pandemic. Hand sanitiser should be in every classroom as it helps promote good hygiene practices by providing a quick and convenient way for students to clean their hands, especially when soap and water are not readily available.

Hand sanitiser and good hand hygiene plays a crucial role in reducing the spread of germs, preventing illnesses, and maintaining a healthier classroom environment. 

Cleaning Supplies

Most classrooms are professionally cleaned after the school day is over by cleaning staff, but that doesn’t mean that a class doesn’t need some cleaning products to clean any messes that are made during the day. A dustpan and brush is invaluable for cleaning up crumbs, paper waste and other dry mess. Multi-surface disinfectant sprays and compostable hand and surface wipes can be used to quickly clean and disinfect desks, chairs and other equipment as needed. 

First Aid Kit

The thought of a student being hurt isn’t something teachers really want to think about, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry. An easily accessible first aid kit, typically mounted to a wall, is a must have for every classroom. A good first aid kit will contain everything you need to dress a graze, disinfect a cut, remove a splinter or care for a child who needs professional medical attention. 

Teachers should take care to restock their first aid kit whenever  it is used and when products expire,

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