Breathe Easy – How Air Purifiers Work to Keep you Healthy

Shared work spaces, health care, aged care and education facilities are breeding grounds for bacteria, viruses, dust and allergens, harsh chemicals and odours, that leads to workplace sickness/absenteeism.
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Shared work spaces, health care, aged care and education facilities are breeding grounds for bacteria, viruses, dust and allergens, harsh chemicals and odours, that leads to workplace sickness/absenteeism. The CSIRO estimates that the cost of poor indoor air quality, may be as high as $12 billion per year.

Indoor air contains up to 5 times more contaminants than outdoor air and is influenced by the presence of;

  • Bacteria/viruses,
  • Allergens (from dust mites, pollen & mould),
  • Volatile Organic Compounds – organic compounds are chemicals that contain carbons and are found in all living things. Volatile organic compounds are organic compounds that become vapors – such as cigarette smoke, smog, cleaning chemicals etc.
  • Other odours

The use of air purifiers in the workplace is known to profoundly benefit an individual’s health, comfort, and productivity. AeraMax’ Professional range of air purifiers, remove up to 99.9% of harmful contaminants from closed indoor environments, to help eliminate flu viruses.

Research from Harvard University’s Healthy Buildings Program which analysed employee concentration and cognitive ability through various environmental scenarios, concluded that improved air quality is directly linked to higher rates of office productivity and lower rates of absenteeism.

The report “Economic, Environmental and Health Implications of Enhanced Ventilation in Office Buildings” outlines the measurable value cleaner air achieves, recommending air purifiers as an effective solution.
At the highest ventilation rate for the study, tests conducted in the closed environment showed an 8% increase in productivity.

In another test scenario, participants were given a cognitive test. One set of participants was given the test in a typical office setting, while the other was given the test in a “green space,” one where volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were removed. The test subjects in the green space scored 60% higher in the tests; when improved ventilation was introduced into the environment with no VOCs, the test scores were 100% better.

Cleaning recirculated air with high efficiency filtration (as utilised within AeraMax® Professional) is expected to provide between 31% and 47% flu infection risk reductions compared to an environment without filtration installed.

Benefits of air purifiers

A 2015 survey by AeraMax also showed that the presence of air purifiers can create a strong positive impression for clients, patients or carers looking for good cleaning practices within Healthcare, Aged Care or Education environments.  They also support sustainable operations, by cleaning the air without using harsh chemicals and by using smart technology which minimizes electricity consumption and extends filter life.

Clean the air to protect your bottom line

  • 15% is the amount of people in an office that can be infected by a single flu carrier.
  • 9.5 days is the average amount each employee is absent from work each year.
  • $347 the average cost of one employee sick day.

Click here to watch this short video by AeraMax explaining why cleaning the air indoors is important.

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