First aid tips

Basic First Aid Tips to Keep Your Workplace Safe

Having an understanding of basic workplace first aid is an important part of creating a safe and healthy working environment.
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Workplace injuries are more common than you might think and can be caused by diverted attention, inadequate training, or unsafe work practices. Having an understanding of basic workplace first aid is an important part of creating a safe and healthy working environment. According to Safe Work Australia, workplace injuries cost Australian businesses around $61.8 million per year.

Employers must ensure that they provide employees with the essential knowledge, training, and confidence required to work in conditions that might endanger their health or wellbeing. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the average person spends around 38 or 40 hours a week at work, and during this period, they may encounter dangerous circumstances; however, having basic first aid knowledge, can help them to respond quickly and effectively, reducing a person’s recovery time and saving lives.

Here are some basic first aid tips to keep your workplace safe and to minimise any injuries from accidents.

1. Understand the Key Goals of First Aid​

The purpose of first aid training is making sure employees are prepared in the event of anything unexpected happening at work. Keep in mind that first aid is not medical treatment, but rather the basic skills necessary to assist someone who has been injured at work until a medical expert can offer care. Providing first aid training can help your employees feel confident, comfortable, and calm in emergency situations and enable them to administer basic treatment to stabilise a patient.

2. Assess the Surroundings​

If someone comes across a co-worker who has been injured, it’s critical for them to analyse the situation before rushing in to offer first aid. This is the first and most critical step in administering basic first aid.

– Before providing treatment to the injured or ill person, it’s crucial to look around the surrounding area for any potential risks. If it is unsafe, call emergency services.

– It is critical that you do not move an injured person until emergency services arrive. Internal injuries can be difficult to diagnose, therefore it’s better to leave it to the experts to decide how to move an injured person.

– If the location is secure and your employees are trained, they will be capable of administering basic first aid.

3. Know the Most Common Medical Condition

When it comes to first aid in the workplace, it’s important to be aware of the most prevalent medical conditions which can potentially occur. If your employees are familiar with these problems, they’ll be able to administer appropriate first aid care, assisting that individual until medical professionals arrive. If they are learning basic first aid, provide training that can assist them spot specific medical concerns such as heart attacks, seizures, strokes, or shock, and make sure your workplace has defibrillators available in case of emergency. The more prepared they are, the easier it will be to recognise the warning symptoms of these medical issues.

4. Have the Appropriate First Aid Equipment​

While having a team trained in first aid is crucial, they must also have access to appropriate first aid equipment in case of severe injury or sickness. First aid kits should be kept in a prominent and accessible location, where they can be accessed quickly. Maintain clearly identifiable and standardised first aid display signage throughout the workplace to easily assist in locating first aid equipment and facilities. First aid kits should be kept close to areas where there is a higher risk of injury or illness, like warehouses, kitchens, workshops, labs, and bathrooms.

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