Back to work written in chalk on a chalk board

How-to Beat the Back-to-Work Blues

Back to work blues are common after any holiday but when they’re experienced collectively by the whole team at once they can be extra difficult to overcome.
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If you’re feeling a little down as you return to work after the end-of-year break, you’re certainly not alone. The back to work blues are common after any holiday but when they’re experienced collectively by the whole team at once they can be extra difficult to overcome.

To help you through this tricky time we’ve compiled a list of tips to help make your return to work a little easier.

Keep the spirit of Christmas alive

A big part of the post end-of-year holiday come down is missing the feeling of joy and festivity that comes with Christmas. To stave off the blues, try to find other ways to keep the joy alive around the workplace, whether you’re  still working from home or you’re in the office. Maybe you received a useful Christmas present like a new diary or a fun mouse pad or wrist rest that you can use on your first day that’ll make you smile. Why not leave the decorations up a little longer, or wear your Santa hat for a few more days? Christmas is a state of mind, and it’s only over when you say it’s over.

Start Working on those New Year’s resolutions

We’ve all done it, started out the year with a list of good intentions; eat more fruit, drink more water, start journalling in a new notebook, meditate more, take an art class, but often those wish lists get dropped before the decorations come down. During your first few days back at work try mapping out your goals for the year, and put a plan in place. No matter what your goals are, getting started and taking action will give you a sense of satisfaction and achievement which will naturally improve your mood and flow over to your work life.

Catch up with your Work Bestie

Break up the work week by popping out for lunch and having a proper post-holiday catch-up with your work bestie. There’s a good chance that you’ve both been eating left-over ham and turkey for too long, why not treat yourself to a take-away lunch (socially distanced of course) in the park or the lunch room and swap holiday stories. If you’re still working from home be sure to schedule a lunchtime Zoom to properly catch-up. Tip: if you don’t have a work BFF, you’ve just got yourself another New Year’s resolution – get a work BFF.

Make a list

There’s something almost therapeutic about jotting all your tasks down on a to-do list. Having everything in writing motivates and inspires us to actually get stuff done, and the start of the New Year really is the perfect time to do it. Start small by making a list for your first day to help you get over your post-Christmas hump or if you’re feeling up to it you could go one step further and organise your entire diary for January. If you’re feeling really wild (or you’re just looking for a reason to procrastinate), have a proper think about what goals you want to achieve this year both at work and in your personal life.

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