Easter bunny and egg bookmarks

Craft your own Bunny & Chicken Easter Bookmarks

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If you’re looking for a quick and easy Easter craft, you’ve found it! These easy-to-make Easter bookmarks are super simple and can be crafted with items you most likely already have on-hand. You’ll simply need paper, scissors, coloured markers, a glue stick, and your creativity.

Check out our step-by-step instructions below.

What you will need:

Step-by-Step Instructions for Making Cute Easter bookmarks – Bunny:

  • Take A4 cover paper and fold it in half. Take a pencil and draw your best bunny on the A4 paper
  • Now use your scissors to cut the bunny out, and you’ll have 2 bunnies!
  • It’s time to decorate the cut-out, take a black marker and create an outline around the bunny cut-out to make it look sharp
  • Now take a pink highlighter to make the cheeks and ears
  • After decorating your bunnies, take 2 coloured A4 cover paper sheets and draw Easter eggs on them
  • Use coloured markers to decorate the eggs to make them look egg-static
  • Now take a colorful ribbon and cut it to around 30cm and fold it in half. Make sure they’re equal on both sides
  • After that, glue the decorated eggs on the ribbon ends with a glue stick
  • Now take a paper clip and your bunny cut-outs. Stick the paper clip in between the 2 bunny cut-outs with a glue stick
  • Your cute bunny bookmark is ready to Hop into your book and make your Easter egg-stra special!!

Easy to make Easter Bookmarks

Step-by-Step Instructions for Making Adorable Easter bookmarks – Chicken & Egg:

  • Take yellow A4 cover paper and fold it in half. Take a pencil and draw a chicken head on one corner of the paper
  • Now take another white A4 cover paper and draw an egg while matching the size of the chicken head. They need to be of the same size
  • Take scissors and cut out the chicken and the egg. After that, draw a cracked egg design on the egg cut out
  • Now take a black marker and outline the edges to make them look sharp. Draw eyes, nose, and use a pink highlighter to make cheeks
  • Take A4 coloured sheets and draw Easter eggs on them
  • Cut them out, now it’s time to decorate them with coloured markers (you can also use glitter paper to create stars or hearts)
  • Now take a colourful ribbon or a tinsel ribbon and cut it to around 30cm. Fold it in half and make sure they’re equal on both sides
  • Stick the eggs cut-outs on the ribbon corners with a glue stick
  • Then, take a paper clip and stick it in the middle of the ribbon. Now take glue and stick the chicken head and egg cut-out together
  • Your adorable chicken bookmark is ready to hold your page!

Cute chicken Easter bookmarks

Celebrate the season with these cute and easy-to-make Easter bookmarks — a fun craft activity for the kids and adults! Happy Crafting!

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