Art and crafts ideas for children

4 Easy to Make Ice Cream Stick Christmas Crafts

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With the holiday season coming up fast, the Christmas festivities are already beginning! The joy can be seen all around, with Christmas lights going up and trees decorated. Now is the time to get into the festive spirit and spark some joy with these easy and fun holiday-themed DIYs. Christmas crafts are a fun way to keep yourself and your little ones entertained, while expressing some creativity.

Making Christmas crafts and ornaments adds more meaning and a personal touch to your Christmas décor. Whether you’re a teacher, parent, or carer looking for some inspiration, you’ll find these popstick craft ideas easy, appealing, and fun.

Grab some popsticks, pompoms, colourful ribbons, or anything you have in your crafting stash, and get started on this cute Christmas craft!

Things you need:

Colourful popsticks

Glitter Paper

PVA Glue


Pom poms

Colourful ribbons

Joggle eyes



Decorating Popsticks with Pom-poms


  • Take 3 full-length popsticks and trim off about 3/4″ for 1″
  • Stick the popsticks in a triangle form with PVA glue
  • Cut 6″ of twine to make a hanger and use glue to stick it at the top of the triangle
  • Take some glitter paper or coloured card and cut a rectangle shape for the tree trunk and stick it at the bottom
  • Take pom-poms or rhinestone (or whatever tickles your fancy) and glue them on the triangle edges
Christmas tree art and craft

Decorating Popsticks with Tinsel Ribbon


  • Take 3 full-length popsticks and trim off about 3/4″ for 1″
  • Glue the popsticks in a triangle form with PVA glue
  • Cut 6″ of twine to make a hanger and use glue to stick it at the top of the triangle
  • Take glitter paper or coloured card and cut a rectangle shape for the tree trunk and stick it at the bottom and cut a star shape for the top
  • Take tinsel ribbon and wrap it around the triangle edges

Decorating Popsticks with Rhinestones


  • Take 6 full-length popsticks and trim 5 popsticks from small to large, as pictured
  • Glue the popsticks on a single stick and arrange them from smaller to larger with PVA glue
  • Take glitter paper or coloured card and cut a rectangle shape for the tree trunk and stick it at the bottom and cut a star shape for the top
  • Take rhinestones and glue them on each stick
  • Cut 6″ of twine to make a hanger and use glue to stick it at the top of the triangle

Creating Reindeer with Popsticks


  • Take 3 full-length popsticks and trim 1 popstick into 3/4 size
  • Create an ‘A’ letter with popsticks and glue it with PVA glue
  • Take 2 joggle eyes and glue them as pictured
  • Take a pom-pom and glue it as a nose as pictured
  • Cut 6″ of twine to make a hanger and use glue to stick it at the middle of the stick
  • Take some tinsel ribbon (or pipe cleaners) and wrap around the popsticks to make it look like horns

These easy DIY Christmas projects will keep kids of all ages busily occupied while we all await Santa’s arrival. These popstick Christmas crafts are bound to inspire lots of cute and creative ideas.

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