Kid sitting in front of laptop

Key NAPLAN Information for 2024

The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a cornerstone of educational evaluation in Australia.

Worksheet for Random Acts of Kindness Day

Fun Kids Worksheets for National Random Acts of Kindness Day

Every year on February 17th, National Random Acts of Kindness Day is celebrated. It’s an annual celebration that encourages people of all ages to spread love, compassion, and goodwill. This day also serves as a wonderful opportunity to teach children the importance of compassion and empathy.

Being Sun Smart at School

Being Sun Smart at School 

Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, with two out of three Australians having some form of skin cancer by the time they are 70.

5 Education Styles that are the Future of Learning

5 Education Styles Shaping the Future of Learning 

While there will always be a place for traditional lessons and learning practises, a number of new or evolving educational practises are likely to shape the education landscape for years to come.

Computer Mouse Glossary

Computer Mouse Glossary 

To help make a computer mouse purchase more straightforward and help avoid confusion or buyer regrets, we’ve compiled a list of computer mouse terms you’re most likely to come across.

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