Worksheet for kids

Random Acts of Kindness Jar – a Worksheet for Kids

This Kindness Jar Worksheet project is perfect for teachers looking for some help teaching kindness in the classroom.
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As parents, caregivers, or educators we are always on the lookout for ways to encourage our children to be kind to others. 

Being kind to others elevates happy hormones (serotonin) in children’s brains, which aids in stress reduction and promotes mental health. Spreading kindness in the classroom can also help in reducing disruptive behaviour and promote a desire to learn. These soft skills are equally important as they focus on fostering social and communication skills, which are essential for growing children experiencing the world.

This Kindness Jar Worksheet project is perfect for teachers looking for some help when teaching kindness in the classroom.

What Exactly Is a Kindness Jar?

You might be wondering what a kindness jar is all about. It’s a simple, but exciting way for children to begin thinking about what they can do to help others.
A kindness jar contains a plethora of wonderful ideas for acts of kindness that anyone can perform. Creating acts of kindness for the jar can be a fun way to get children thinking about ways to be kind to others, but it can also be a lot of work. To save time and energy, or to make your kindness project more accessible to young children, download this simple kindness jar printable.

Is a Kindness Jar Necessary?

When the routine changes, everyone is stressed, or things are just a little out of the ordinary, kids can become grumpy and lose sight of how their words and actions affect others. When this occurs, it’s the perfect time to bring out the kindness jar which reinforces positive behaviours: kindness to one another and consideration for the feelings of others. 

Follow these simple steps :

  • Download and print this kindness jar worksheet template. It’s packed with ideas for acts of kindness that take out the guesswork while boosting the fun factor!
  • Glue the heart-shaped kindness jar slips into the empty jar cut-out.
  • Allow students to decorate the kindness jar together to promote teamwork and cooperation. Working on the design together is a great way for kids to connect, learn, and start thinking about and respecting the feelings of others.
  • Discuss what kids are learning and observing while working on the acts of kindness worksheet activity.

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