Turtle in the ocean

Incredible Facts you should know about our Oceans – Mother Ocean Day

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It’s no surprise that Earth is known as the Blue Planet. About 70 percent of its surface is covered in water, and the oceans hold about 96 percent of all Earth’s water. It’s kind of amazing that Australia has the world’s third-largest ocean territory, spanning three oceans and occupying approximately 12 million square kilometres. The marine environment of Australia is home to 4000 different fish species, 500 coral species in the northern reefs, 50 distinct types of marine mammals, and a diverse spectrum of seabirds. It is believed that up to 80 percent of marine species found in southern Australian seas are found nowhere else on the planet.

Tuesday, 10th May is Mother Ocean Day recognised as a global event to promote ocean health and a time to recognise the intrinsic value of all the world’s oceans. The goal of Mother Ocean Day is to celebrate the ocean’s beauty and magnificence, while raising awareness about the need of protecting the oceans from hazardous plastic pollution, destructive fishing, and climate change. As taking care of our oceans is essential for maintaining a healthy world. On this day, people all over the world honour and celebrate the ocean, and take part in initiatives for a better future.

This year let’s celebrate Mother Ocean day by learning some cool facts about the oceans, and how they support humanity as well as all other organisms on the planet.

Facts about our oceans
12 fun facts about our oceans

How you can help…

Encourage your family, friends, or coworkers to pick up a bit of litter every day to prevent it from ending up in an ocean ‘garbage patch.’ Make an effort to switch from single-use plastics to eco-friendly products, as single-use plastics are not naturally biodegradable, they wind up in landfills and pollute our oceans. Check out our Plastic Pollution Solution Tool Kit Guide to learn more about how you can reduce using plastic.


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