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International Work From Home Day – Tips for Remote Work

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The pandemic has forever changed the way that we live and work. While millions of people have been forced indoors to stay safe, it’s time to celebrate the technological progress that allows us to work productively, safe at home – in the comfort of our pyjamas. While the work from home model has always existed, videoconferencing and remote working technology really only became advanced enough to be efficient in the last ten years or so. Before the pandemic, only one in five Australian employees across all industries regularly worked from home. Fast forward to the height of the pandemic in 2020, and a whopping 88% of organisations encouraged working from home. A recent study from the University of Sydney found most Australians want to work from home at least part of the week post-pandemic. The culture of work has changed.

International Work from Home Day is May 17, a day that celebrates the joys and struggles of remote work. Take a look at our top tips for working from home and see how you can boost your productivity while doing so.

Here are our top tips for maintaining productivity and positivity while working from home

1. Keep a clear schedule

The most important aspect to working from home is to manage your time effectively. It is essential to set a clear schedule for yourself – and stick to it. Set clear guidelines around your work, and stick as close as possible to your ‘normal’ work hours. Use time-tracking apps and weekly planners to keep yourself on track.

2. Maintain your morning routine

Part of maintaining a work-life balance is to keep boundaries around your work day. Get yourself in a ‘work’ mindset by maintaining your usual morning routine. Do everything that you would normally do – make a coffee, go for a walk outside, shower, and eat a healthy breakfast before you sit down at your desk. Not having to commute means that you now have more time for a healthy routine in the morning to set yourself up for a productive day.

3. Put on work clothes

While it can be tempting to stay in those comfy pyjamas all day, I am betting that it will not make you feel very productive. While some high powered professionals like Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wear casual clothes while working, research shows that dressing casually can make you feel less focused and alert. Changing out of your ‘work’ outfit can also be a daily ritual which maintains strong work-life boundaries, and signifies to yourself that the working day is over.

4. Set up a home office

Not everyone has a spare room in their home that they can convert into a home office. It can be so easy to fall into the trap of doing your work from the comfort of the couch. But it is important to set up a dedicated work space to keep you in the zone. This will create a physical boundary around your work day, and also protect your body from injuries related to poor ergonomics. Set it up as you would a normal office desk, by investing in a good monitor screen and external keyboard.

5. Put away distractions

It can be all too easy to get distracted by your phone or get lost in the kitchen snacks when there is no-one there to keep you accountable. Keep yourself in check by putting your phone in a separate room or turning off notifications, and prepare your snacks before you start the day. Treat your home office as you would your regular office.

6. Take regular breaks

To avoid burnout and fatigue, plan regular break times and do something that makes you feel refreshed and energized. Go for a short walk outside or get on your yoga mat. Research recommends taking a 5-minute break every 60-90 minutes, as well as a 30-60 minute lunch break.

7. Stay social and connected

While you may not be face-to-face with your colleagues, they are still there. Take time to chat with your colleagues via platforms like Skype or Slack. Working remotely can be socially isolating, and it is important to stay connected with your colleagues to stay motivated and maintain good mental health.

8. Reward yourself

Congratulations! You’ve made it through the day. Working from home can be challenging, so make sure you reward yourself the same way you would at the end of a normal work day. Call a friend or go for a walk to bookmark the end of your day and signify to yourself that the working day is over.

9. Keep a record for tax season

Finally, don’t forget that with tax season coming up it is important that you keep a record of your expenditure so that your end of financial year is a breeze. It can be confusing to know what items you can claim, and what items you can’t. That’s why we have compiled an easy guide to the tax season 2021. Click here to read it!

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