Reconciliation Week

“Be Brave. Make Change.” – National Reconciliation Week 2022

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Every year, from the 27th of May to the 3rd of June, National Reconciliation Week is observed. It’s a time for all Australians to acknowledge and learn the nation’s shared history, amplify the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and explore how we can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.

Reconciliation is a path that all Australians must undertake — as people, families, communities, organisations, and, most importantly, as a nation. By playing our part, we can collectively establish partnerships and communities that value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories, cultures, and futures.

This year’s theme “Be Brave. Be Change.”, serves as a reminder of our collective potential to make a positive difference on the journey to reconciliation. Every day, from what we say to what we buy, we have the opportunity to make conscious decisions that can have a significant impact. There’s no better moment than now to start being courageous and making a difference by helping Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals, companies, and communities.

Contribute to Achieve Reconciliation in Australia

During Reconciliation Week, hundreds of events take place around the country in schools, community centres, businesses, and cultural organisations. All of these activities embrace the concept and recognise that more significant action is necessary for reconciliation to occur in Australia.

National Reconciliation Week is an excellent chance to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land, as well as the distinct role of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders culture in this country, and for us to reflect on the past and strive to do better in the future. Each and every one of us has a part to play. It’s a challenge for all of us to make change beginning with brave actions in our daily lives to create a better and more united Australia for everyone by developing these relationships and working for a fairer society.

This National Reconciliation Week, make reconciliation more than a word. Move from safe to brave on issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. For ways you can get involved check out these 20 reconciliation actions for the year 2022 – more people need to speak up, ask the hard questions and take action during, and beyond this week.

This National Reconciliation Week, we acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the Land on which we stand. We acknowledge and pay our respects to Elders’ past, present, and emerging.


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