Being Sun Smart at School

Being Sun Smart at School 

Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, with two out of three Australians having some form of skin cancer by the time they are 70.

Balance Between Life and Work

How to Create a Balanced Life in 2025

Our lives are made up of many parts, including relationships, health (both physical and mental), emotional well-being, and of course, work. A balanced life would be one where none of these elements are pulling you too hard in one direction, away from the others.

setting goals for the new year

New Year – New You: Setting Goals for a Great 2024

Every year we tell ourselves that this year will be the year we achieve that New Years resolution. This year I’ll be tidier, more organised, I’ll lose weight or eat healthier. How many times have you actually achieved these New Years resolutions?

5 Education Styles that are the Future of Learning

5 Education Styles Shaping the Future of Learning 

While there will always be a place for traditional lessons and learning practises, a number of new or evolving educational practises are likely to shape the education landscape for years to come.

Computer Mouse Glossary

Computer Mouse Glossary 

To help make a computer mouse purchase more straightforward and help avoid confusion or buyer regrets, we’ve compiled a list of computer mouse terms you’re most likely to come across.

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