mobile printing

Mobile Devices: Printing Important Documents on the Go

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When you pack technology for a business trip, it might look something like this:

Laptop or tablet– tick.
Smartphone – tick.
Chargers for all of the above – tick.
USB or external drive – tick.
Printer – wait! What?

It might seem like an odd suggestion.  However, if you travel for business, work on the road, hot desk, or just have a very small available space, a mobile printer and / or scanner might be worth considering.

Small and light enough to be transported in a back pack, but durable enough to survive the rigors of travel, a mobile printer means you can print an urgent invoice, contract or proposal from a computer, laptop or smartphone, anywhere and at a moment’s notice.  A mobile scanner means you can digitally capture important information immediately, and in some cases, securely disseminate it directly from the scanner.

There are a few options when it comes to mobile printing and scanning technology, so it’s important to consider how and when it will be used.  Some things to think about include:

• Will you need to print only, scan only, or print and scan? This will help you decide if you need a printer, a scanner or a mobile all-in-one device.
• Will you need to print in colour, black and white, or both?
• What devices will you need to connect to?  Some devices connect via USB, while others connect via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. Make sure the printer is compatible with your device.
• Will you require double sided scanning?  Some mobile scanners offer double sided scanning in a single pass.
• Will you primarily be printing or scanning A4 pages, or a variety of sizes?  Make sure you choose a device that is flexible enough to meet your needs.
• Will you primarily be printing photographs?  Mobile photo printers are available that are about the size of a mobile phone, and print snapshots or stickers.
• Keep in mind the weight and size of the device, as well as the print quality and speed.
• Also, keep in mind the cost of replacement ink for printers, and ensuring that ink is always available with the printer.  There would be nothing worse than taking your printer to an important meeting and trying to print out a contract only to find the printer is out of ink!
• Is a battery included, or is it an additional purchase?

Portable printers are also great for personal use.  Whether you are printing out photos, or need a printer that the kids can easily move from one study area to another, a mobile printer is a light and sturdy option for recreational use and study.

COS has a great range of mobile printers and scanners, as well as all the supporting products you’ll need. So, next time you pack for a business trip, don’t forget your toothbrush…or your printer!

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