Employers supporting employees during Ramadan

Tips for Supporting Employees during Ramadan

Ramadan can be a good opportunity for HR and managers to take a minute to reflect on how they can support employees’ well-being and help them stay safe and productive at work during this holy month.
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As the holy month of Ramadan begins, more than 1.6 billion Muslim people around the world are fasting from dawn to dusk. Ramadan can be a good opportunity for HR and managers to take a minute to reflect on how they can support employees’ well-being and help them stay safe and productive at work during this holy month.

If you manage or work with people who are fasting during Ramadan, here are some ways to make them feel supported and respected.

Flexible timings: Employers can demonstrate their support by providing employees with more flexible working arrangements and some time off to enjoy the festivities. For the entire Ramadan month, arrange working hours accordingly – as some employees might choose to start their day earlier or later, or work through their lunch breaks.

Being patient and empathetic: Employees who are fasting might be less productive or have low energy levels towards the end of the workday. Try to be patient with staff and offer support and understanding of this drop in energy, knowing that they’ll be back to their productive best soon.

Providing extra space: Providing your employees with a private space during Ramadan allows them to feel at ease without having to leave the office for reciting the prayer. As an employer, you can provide them with a modest and clean room to rest and relax during their break, or a room specially allocated to do daily prayers it could just be an extra meeting or conference room.

Organising an iftar party: Treating your employees to a heart-warming meal whenever possible can help in boosting morale. Make the most of Ramadan by involving other employees in the celebration in order to support cultural understanding.

Being supportive: While fasting, every employee might have different requirements and approaches for personal reasons, therefore it’s critical to listen to their concerns and provide them with necessary assistance. When your employees are fasting, they may not have the energy to go out for company events or other social gatherings, so be sensitive to their needs and try to be supportive in any possible way.

Being an open, respectful, and thoughtful employer can have a beneficial influence on a company’s culture and will help you retain a diverse and balanced workforce.

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