How to Live and Work Sustainably – Go Green at Work

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Every day, ordinary Australians are taking the initiative to create positive change and are inspiring others to clean up the world and live and work sustainably. Ian Kiernan is one such example.  Formerly a builder and keen yachtsman, Ian initiated the annual Clean Up Australia Day in 1989 after being appalled at the amount of rubbish he saw whilst competing in an around-the-world yacht race. In 1991 Ian was the recipient of the Order of Australia Medal and in 2004, Ian was honoured as Australian of the Year for his ongoing work as an environmental campaigner. 

We each have the opportunity to follow Ian’s lead and instigate positive change. With our everyday choices, we can turn concerned talk into constructive action.

Go Green

COS® have a number of environmentally friendly products to support your organisation’s sustainability efforts. By choosing biodegradable and recycled products, you can make a statement about your environmental stance while doing the right thing for the world. 

You can still enjoy the convenience of the modern world without harming the planet. From biodegradable, disposable cups and cutlery to non-plastic, biodegradable bin liners, the choices are wide. A huge number of products are also made using pre and post-consumer waste, including copy paperbindersstaplers and toilet paper and more.   

Even your cleaning agents can be environmentally friendly, including dishwashing detergentbathroom and general cleaners, and hand soaps 

Choosing eco-friendly products means you can still live and work sustainably and run your business efficiently, without cost to the environment. We’ve made it easy to identify the eco-conscious products in our range – just filter your search with the eco-conscious symbol:

Recycle, Reuse

Did you know your used paper hand towels can be recycled? There are so many products in the office that can be easily recycled instead of becoming litter or landfill: 

  • Ink & toner cartridges 
  • Product packaging (soft plastics and cardboard) 
  • Glass bottles, plastic bottles & plastic containers 
  • Computers, monitors and other technology 

At COS®, we supply recycling bins all around the office, bathroom and kitchen areas. By making it easy for staff to recycle, we ensure it happens more often. 

Our warehouse also reuses packing supplies for our boxed deliveries, so packing paper and bubble wrap all get a second or third life. 

Why not start an office initiative for the Return and Earn scheme, or create a cupboard where used folders and binders can be located for reuse? 

Every item that’s recycled is one less item in landfill – go green and get proactive!

Support Green Business

At COS we are working towards zero emissions. We’ve already made significant progress towards this goal; we’ve installed hundreds of solar panels across our warehouses (saving an equivalent of 500 trees), removed over 27,000 pieces of plastic across the COS private label range in the last year, and ensured that the amount of packaging used is only what is appropriate to the products delivered to you, nothing more. Our fleet upgrade now produces 70% less carbon, we’ve saved 130 trees with the introduction of paperless picking, and we’ve increased our waste to recycling ratio by 4%. There’s still more to be done, and we’re working hard every day on smarter, more sustainable solutions. . 

With over 12 environmental certifications for our range and a strong focus on sourcing ethical products, we are proud to be the first organisation in our industry to receive accreditation for environmental management standard ISO 14001. This means we comply with the world’s best business practices for minimising environmental impact. You can click here to read more about our environmentally friendly practices and initiatives.  

By ordering with COS®, you are supporting a business who take a strong stance on caring for our environment.

Clean Up!

COS® have a range of products to help you, including garbage bags for safe waste disposal, protective gloves and hand sanitiser to keep your own hands clean, and sunscreen, so your skin is safe while you’re out in the harsh Australian sun. 


Clean Up Australia Day reminds us that regularly maintaining the environments we inhabit gives all living things the best chance to thrive. We live in a beautiful country, and it’s up to us to care for it.

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