Back to school backpack with accessories in student bag

Tips for Preparing Your Children for Back-to-School

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The start of a new school year can bring a mix of emotions, from excitement to anxiety and sometimes even fear, especially for children adjusting to new routines, teachers, and classmates. For parents, the challenge often lies in managing these emotions while juggling preparations for a smooth transition.

By taking proactive steps and preparing a few days or even weeks in advance, you can turn this potentially stressful time into an opportunity for growth and excitement. A little preparation can go a long way in helping children feel more confident and parents feel more organised and ready to tackle the new academic year together.

Here are some valuable back-to-school tips to make the transition as smooth and enjoyable as possible for everyone involved, creating a positive start to the school year.

Get Some Sleep

Gently reintroducing the normal pre-holiday sleep patterns gives young bodies and minds some time to adjust. To establish sleep regular behaviours, the National Sleep Foundation recommends starting two weeks before the first day of school.

Reduce Screen Time

According to a recent research by the Australian Institute of Family Studies, up to 83% of preschoolers and 85% of primary school children regularly surpass the recommended screen time limits.

Screen time guidelines for children and young adults are as follows:

  • Children under 2 years: No sedentary screen time.
  • Children aged 2–5 years: Limit to no more than one hour per day; less is preferable.
  • Children and young people aged 5–17 years: No more than 2 hours of recreational screen time per day, excluding necessary schoolwork.

Manage their screen time by setting a daily limit and restricting usage time by planning hands-on activities, such as arts and crafts, outdoor play, reading, or doing arts and crafts. These activities not only provide a break from screens but also foster creativity and physical activity.

Have a Conversation

Feeling anxious, scared, and overwhelmed about returning to school is totally normal. Have a chat about any worries your children might have and then engage them in conversation about what they’re looking forward to about school. Creating a fun countdown calendar together and even driving them past their school a few days before they return, can be quite beneficial in reminding them of the fun things about school, and getting them excited to go back.

Take them Back-to-School Shopping!

Back-to-school stationery shopping is always fun, with kids keen to get their hands on fresh new penspencils, and art supplies. Make the transition to the new school year enjoyable by getting them involved. They can help label items, cover their exercise books and folders, and pack their pencil case!

Organise School Supplies and Materials

Having the right supplies equips children for success and boosts their confidence for the new school year. Start by creating a comprehensive checklist that includes essentials such as stationery (pencils, pens, erasers, sharpeners, rulers, notebooks, and folders), durable backpacks with multiple compartments for organisation, and uniforms or clothing that align with the school’s dress code.

Don’t forget lunch boxes and water bottles – opt for leak-proof and easy-to-clean options for added convenience. For younger children, packing an extra set of clothes for unexpected spills or accidents can be helpful. To avoid mix-ups, label all items, including school supplies, clothing, and lunch containers.

Personalised labels or name tags not only make belongings easily identifiable but also add a personal touch that children enjoy. Additionally, involving your child in the process, such as choosing their backpack or lunch box design, fosters excitement and ownership over their school preparations.

Promote Healthy Habits

Incorporating some new habits can help your child get off to a good start. Make sure they get enough sleep and eat nutritious foods as it helps to preserve brain function and allows them to focus and pay more attention in school. Remind them to drink plenty of water as staying hydrated allows nutrients to pass through the body more effectively.

Remember that as a parent you need to unwind too! Back-to-school can be just as hectic and stressful for parents as it is for their children. During this transitional period, take care of yourself by engaging in some self-care, taking time to breathe, and congratulating yourself on getting through yet another school holiday!

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