A Complete Guide to Recognising Phishing Scams in Australia

Phishing scam alert on phone

Australia, like many other countries, has seen a worrying increase in phishing scams. According to Scamwatch, Australians lost over AU$476 million to scams in 2023. Investment scams led to the most significant financial losses, totaling just over AU$291 million, despite only 8,159 reports being filed. In contrast, phishing scams were much more prevalent, with over 108,000 … Read more

Data Security in the Physical and Digital Mailroom

Data security in a digital and physical mailroom

Data security best practices take into account the shift from physical mail to its digital counterpart.

7 Best Practices and Tips for Preventing Data Loss

Best Practices and Tips to prevent data loss

We are now more reliant on data than ever which means that data security is something that we simply can’t afford to overlook.

What You Must Do in the Event of a Data Breach

In February 2018 the Notifiable Data Breaches Scheme came in to effect. This new law requires Australian businesses to immediately notify the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner & (OAIC) and any affected parties should they experience a significant data breach. A data breach is when personal information is accessed or disclosed without authorisation, or … Read more

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