3 Unusual Chocolate Recipes to Celebrate World Chocolate Day

Unusual Chocolate Recipes

July 7 is World Chocolate Day, and we couldn’t be more excited. Before you break out that sweet chocolate bar or trusty brownie recipe, why not surprise your taste buds with some new flavours – with these 3 Unusual Chocolate Recipes. The History of Chocolate Chocolate is produced by roasting and grounding cacao seeds. Archaeologists … Read more

Fresh Fruit for Health and Productivity

Plate of fresh fruit on a boardroom table

It’s nothing new to suggest fruit is a necessary part of a healthy diet, but when we juggle competing demands and busy schedules, our personal health and wellbeing often go to the back of the priority queue. That is, until we get sick, or our wellbeing is compromised.  Here in Australia we are fortunate to … Read more

Providing Healthy Snacks: Why your business will benefit

healthy snacking

It’s 3pm, and you know what that means.  The Snack Attack!  You feel hungry, so you grab whatever is accessible.  If you have healthy snacks or a piece of fruit at your desk, then that’s great.  However, more often than not, it means a trip to the vending machine, office kitchen or local shop to … Read more

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