How to Implement Environmentally Friendly Practices at Work

Man holding a globe

If your organisation wants to put its greenest foot forward, here are some tips for making a sustainable workplace.

Why some people don’t recycle, and why they really should.

Misconceptions and lack of knowledge around recycling

Why are people resistant to recycling?

National Recycling Week – Tips for Recycling the Right Way!

Handy tips Tips for Recycling the Right Way at home, work, or school

The more you learn and get involved in recycling, reducing, and reusing, the less waste you will produce

Waste Reduction Tips for Employees Working from Home

Tips for Employees Working from Home

Australia produces a lot of waste but only a small amount is recycled. What can we do to fix this problem?

Social Responsibility: Why Business is Key to Change

social responsiblity

COS and Social Responsibility There are many social and environmental issues needing remedial action today. It’s easy to assume someone else will pick up the slack, but Australia’s business segment have a huge opportunity and responsibility to contribute to a solution.  Our belief is that organisations have a big opportunity to make a impact where … Read more

Saving the World from a Plastic Disaster

environment plastic

Plastic has become a fundamental part of our lives. Its pervasive nature means it can be found in everything from shopping bags to cosmetics, clothing, toys, packaging and food.  Yes, food. Even fish and shellfish now contain varying levels of microplastics as a result of plastic pollution in the oceans. Makes you think twice about … Read more

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