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How Zoetic is Making a Difference in the Tea Community with Fairtrade

Tea farmer plucking leaves

Zoetic has recognised the importance of Fairtrade and collaborates with Fairtrade certified plantations to establish an equitable supply chain. By embracing Fairtrade principles, Zoetic not only ensures the highest quality tea but also uplifts the lives of tea farmers and their communities.

Help Clean Up Australia!

Picking waste for the ground

The Clean Up Australia organisation has emerged as one of the nation’s most recognised and trusted environmental charities, helping provide practical solutions to live more sustainably every day of the year.

Yes, you can become a Plastic-Free School!

Happy school kids at the classroom chalkboard

It’s Plastic-Free July! It isn’t difficult to reduce plastic at your school. Working together, we can make all the difference to protect the earth!

8 Easy Ways to Reduce Single-Use Plastic in Your Office

Reusable kitchen supplies

Did you know that every year, we produce 400 million tons of plastic worldwide? That is nearly the weight of the entire human population! And it’s estimated that every year, 8 million tonnes of plastic ends up in oceans – and single use plastic makes up roughly 50% of this amount. Around the world, over … Read more

Thankyou for Giving a Crap – Social Responsibility Heroes!

toilet paper rolls

Sold Out, Sold Out Sold Out This time last year this is the common message found underneath every product on the Thankyou and Who Gives A Crap websites. Who Gives A Crap, a Melbourne-based company that sells 100% recycled toilet paper, and Thankyou, who sell bottled water and a range of personal and baby care … Read more

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