The Difference Between Degradable, Biodegradable, and Compostable Plastics

Different type of plastic bags on a table

Acknowledging the problem that widespread plastic consumption brings, we look at the degradable, biodegradable, and compostable alternatives.

Why some people don’t recycle, and why they really should.

Misconceptions and lack of knowledge around recycling

Why are people resistant to recycling?

National Recycling Week – Tips for Recycling the Right Way!

Handy tips Tips for Recycling the Right Way at home, work, or school

The more you learn and get involved in recycling, reducing, and reusing, the less waste you will produce

How to Live and Work Sustainably – Go Green at Work

Every day, ordinary Australians are taking the initiative to create positive change and are inspiring others to clean up the world and live and work sustainably. Ian Kiernan is one such example.  Formerly a builder and keen yachtsman, Ian initiated the annual Clean Up Australia Day in 1989 after being appalled at the amount of rubbish he … Read more

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