How Stress and Anxiety Affects the Body

How Stress and Anxiety Shows in the Body

Over 5 million Australians are suffering from stress and anxiety caused by work pressure, financial worries, lack of sleep, and family problems.

8 Common Myths You Need to Know about Defibrillators

Defibrillator can save lives

If someone nearby was to suffer a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), would you know what to do? Even if there is an automated external defibrillator (AED) nearby, if you are unsure how to use it, or are afraid to use it, this can result in severe consequences for the patient. Using an AED is quite simple, … Read more

Health and Wellbeing Strategies for the Workplace

Health and Wellbeing Strategies for the Workplace

Long hours, digital exhaustion, limited physical activity, and high levels of pressure. Sound familiar? These are the modern standards for the workplace, where people sit for hours at a screen, whether they’re working from home or in-office and only standing to grab a cup of coffee, or perhaps to take a quick lunch break. And … Read more

How Visitors can Assist in Maintaining Healthcare Safety and Hygiene

Visitors Maintaining Healthcare Safety and Hygiene

Every year, 180,000 Australian patients contract healthcare associated infections, which extends their hospital stays and takes up to 2 million hospital bed days. According to Australian Safety and Quality Goals for Healthcare, in one Australian state, the additional costs associated with just 126 surgical site infections are more than $5 million.   According to the … Read more

The Politics of the Office Fridge

Woman looking in to clean fridge full of colourful foods

From share houses to teenage kids and work colleagues, there’s always someone who’s guilty of producing festy fridge contents. The sandwich that gets forgotten, the tuna mornay leftover from Friday’s luncheon, or the last slice of cake that no one wants to eat are all responsible for a nasty array of smells and bacterial congregations … Read more

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