5 Hidden Benefits of a Thorough Spring Cleaning in the Workplace

People thoroughly cleaning workplace

Spring cleaning isn’t just for the home; a good spring clean of the workplace can help revitalise and breathe fresh life into your office environment.

Tips to Create a Culture of Employee Recognition

Ways to cultivate a positive culture of employee recognition

Employees who feel valued have an 84 percent lower chance of experiencing burnout at work. Here are some tips to create a culture of employee recognition.

Does Listening to Music at Work Boost Productivity?

Man listening to music at work

Few things elicit such passionate debate quite as the topic of music at work. Should it be played at all, are headphones acceptable? What kind of music is ok? Research has found that 61% of employees listen to music at work and believe that it makes them happier and more productive. And, it seems 90% … Read more

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