Tips for Keeping the Office Fridge Clean and Healthy

Keep office fridge clean and healthy

Did you know that food poisoning costs $1.25 billion and can lead to 6.5 million days of lost employee productivity every year? It can be difficult to keep the communal office refrigerator neat and tidy. With so many employees stuffing and getting their packed meals from the fridge on a daily basis, it can be … Read more

The Politics of the Office Fridge

Woman looking in to clean fridge full of colourful foods

From share houses to teenage kids and work colleagues, there’s always someone who’s guilty of producing festy fridge contents. The sandwich that gets forgotten, the tuna mornay leftover from Friday’s luncheon, or the last slice of cake that no one wants to eat are all responsible for a nasty array of smells and bacterial congregations … Read more

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