How Stress and Anxiety Affects the Body

How Stress and Anxiety Shows in the Body

Over 5 million Australians are suffering from stress and anxiety caused by work pressure, financial worries, lack of sleep, and family problems.

Tips for Supporting a Colleague who Answers “No” on RUOK Day

Supporting colleagues mental health

According to a survey conducted by Australian Unions, mental health is the fastest growing threat to employees’ health and safety in the workplace. 4 out of 10 Australian workers who reported poor mental health in the previous 12 months found it difficult to initiate a conversation at their workplace as they believe they need an … Read more

6 Products to Help you Reduce Stress at Work

Stress-relieving products

Workplace stress is a constant concern, affecting employees’ health and wellbeing as well as the productivity of businesses. It is often described as the silent killer, with the risk that if we don’t take steps to reduce stress it will take a toll on our mental and physical health. As per the United Nations, workplace … Read more

7 Tips to Reduce Email Stress and Boost your Productivity

Girl typing on laptop

As the virtual workforce expands, we are forced to choose email and other digital forms of communication over the face-to-face connections. While it’s certainly convenient and gives us more work flexibility, there is a downside to the increase in emails that comes with working remotely. According to researchers from the University of California, Irvine, and … Read more

Health and Wellbeing Strategies for the Workplace

Health and Wellbeing Strategies for the Workplace

Long hours, digital exhaustion, limited physical activity, and high levels of pressure. Sound familiar? These are the modern standards for the workplace, where people sit for hours at a screen, whether they’re working from home or in-office and only standing to grab a cup of coffee, or perhaps to take a quick lunch break. And … Read more

Tips for Managing Stress at Work

How to manage stress at work

Did you know that one in five Australians (21%) have taken time off work in the past 12 months because they felt stressed, anxious, depressed, or mentally unwell? When you think about what causes the greatest stress in your life, what comes to mind? For some, it could be financial, an upcoming project or presentation, … Read more

Caring for your Mental Health During COVID-19

There’s no question that 2020 has been a tough year, Australians experienced heightened states of anxiety, fear, and panic over the bushfires, and then COVID-19. It’s perfectly normal, and expected for people to experience high levels of anxiety and worry during a pandemic, and for most those feelings will subside over time as the virus … Read more

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