5 Benefits of Diaries in the Digital Age

Women sitting at her desk writes her to do list in a paper diary

In today’s fast-paced world, Diaries & Planners offer unique value. We live in a technology driven society where digital devices allow us to multi-task at lightning speed and “too busy” is an all too common catch-cry.  Diaries and planners have the unique ability to slow us down a little, allowing us to function more efficiently and effectively, improving our … Read more

End-of-Year Office Clean-up Checklist

Looking for end up cleaning checklist

With a little effort and planning, you can get your office in tip-top shape for 2025.

Tips to Create a Culture of Employee Recognition

Ways to cultivate a positive culture of employee recognition

Employees who feel valued have an 84 percent lower chance of experiencing burnout at work. Here are some tips to create a culture of employee recognition.

8 Tips to Prepare the Workplace for the Return to the Office

empty conference room waiting for the return to the office

Who knew the return to the office could start giving us nightmares? Nobody would have guessed working in their comfiest clothing, waking up late, and opening the door to the post to bring our online orders would become a part of our daily routine. Many companies are planning to return employees to workplaces, either to … Read more

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