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Strategies for Creating Plastic-Free Breakrooms in the Workplace

In the modern workplace, there is a growing awareness of the environmental impact of our daily practices. As businesses across the world are increasingly seeking to embrace sustainable and environmentally friendly practices, one often overlooked aspect is the breakroom—a shared space intended for employee relaxation, catch-ups, and rejuvenation. Unfortunately, these communal areas can become hubs for … Read more

The Rising Problem of E-waste in Australia

Rising problem of e-waste in Australia

Australia is one of the world’s top producers of e-waste, ranking fifth with 21.7kg of waste per person.

Yes, you can become a Plastic-Free School!

Happy school kids at the classroom chalkboard

It’s Plastic-Free July! It isn’t difficult to reduce plastic at your school. Working together, we can make all the difference to protect the earth!

8 Easy Ways to Reduce Single-Use Plastic in Your Office

Reusable kitchen supplies

Did you know that every year, we produce 400 million tons of plastic worldwide? That is nearly the weight of the entire human population! And it’s estimated that every year, 8 million tonnes of plastic ends up in oceans – and single use plastic makes up roughly 50% of this amount. Around the world, over … Read more

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