
29 Silver and Zinc ions are added to the plastics at the moulding stage The ions bond to the bacterium and prevent cell growth Some silver ions break down the cell walls and stop them from developing The germs die without replicating Rapesco Germ-savvy Staplers Hole Punches are still one of the most used office items and can be used by numerous different people in any given day. Available in 40 or 100 sheet these heavy-duty stationery must-haves allow you to work comfortably while safeguarding your team against germs and bacteria. Germ-Savvy is exclusive to COS Germ-Savvy kills 99% of bacteria excluding viral pathogens Germ-Savvy products do not kill COVID or reduce risk of COVID transmission Germ-Savvy does not get in the way of any recycled components or other environmental credentials a product may have You can expect the exact same level of quality in these products that you’ve come to know from Rapesco Rapesco Germ-savvy Hole Punches Just like staplers, hole punches are an often-shared item in the office. Available in 40 or 100 sheet these heavy-duty stationery must-haves allow you to work comfortably and safely while safeguarding your team against germs and bacteria. Rapesco Germ-savvy A4 Clip Folder These sturdy clip folders double as a hard writing surface as well as handy storage for your documents. The portable nature of clip folders can make them a potential hazard when it comes to germs and bacteria, choosing a folder that is protected with antimicrobial coating keeps you protected while helping you stay organised. How does it work? PERF2043, PERF2135 STAP1010, STAP1023 CLIP5016 The Germ-Savvy™ antimicrobial agent is added to the external plastic parts of the product during manufacture, providing protection for the lifetime of the product. Important Information

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