First Aid Kit Guide

Choose your work environment
Consider your workplace environment and the tasks that are performed as well as any safety issues involved.
How many employees and/or students do you have?
Please note: You may need to purchase more than one First Aid kit. Unsure how many kits you may need? See Employee Access Info button below.
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Risk Assessment Info

To help determine risk, consider the size & location of your workplace, especially response times for emergency services.

Employee Access Info

You may need to purchase more than one First Aid kit for your workplace. Unsure how many kits you may need?

Risk Assessment Information

Risk assessment in your workplace should be discussed with your employees, Safety officer and other staff members to understand potential hazards and history of incidents and safety issues or concerns.

Low Risk: A workplace where employees and other parties are not exposed to hazards that could result in serious injury.

Basic First Aid requirements:

  • sprains and strains
  • cuts, scratches, grazes, punctures and splinters
  • bleeding or wounds
  • eye injury
  • broken bones
  • shock

High Risk: A workplace where employees or other parties are exposed to hazards that could result in serious injury or illness such as:

  • use of hazardous machinery or chemicals
  • risk of falls that could result in serious injury
  • working in or around extreme heat or cold

Employee Access information

You will need to consider the size and layout of your workplace – multiple levels/locations and variations in the work being undertaken may necessitate the need for more than one first aid kit.

Access Considerations

Considerations should include:

  • Number of floors, distances between working locations within the workplace
  • Type of work being undertaken (ie office, factory, warehouse or combinations of each)
  • Accessibility to each working area
  • Number and composition of workers and other persons at the workplace – consider visitors and contractors to your workplace

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